It is important for investors to understand that every investment has its own set of risks. One key to successful investing is to recognize the different types of risks that could be a threat to one’s financial well-being and to take steps to minimize their impact. What follows is an overview of the primary forms […]
Bookkeeping & Accounting Tips for Small Business Owners
Running a small business is a demanding task, requiring you to wear many hats, from managing operations to marketing and customer service. Among these responsibilities, bookkeeping and accounting are crucial for the financial health and sustainability of your business. While it may seem daunting, effective financial management doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Here are […]
Valuing Your Estate’s Assets
In estate planning, you often come across the term “fair market value.” However, some assets are easier to value than others. The IRS defines fair market value as “the value at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell […]
A Checklist for Plan Sponsors
Once a retirement savings plan has been approved and is in place, it’s tempting to sit back and adopt an “I’m done,” hands-off attitude. However, to ensure that a plan will continue to operate effectively, employers should periodically review plan provisions and features. Here are some points to check. How the plan is presented. The more […]
Understanding Total Return
A mutual fund’s performance — its total return — can be either positive or negative. In other words, a fund either made or lost money for a measured time period. There are three separate elements that contribute to total return: the distribution of fund income (interest and dividends received on the fund’s investments); the distribution […]
What are Tax Credits?
Taxes are an integral part of running a business, and they often represent a substantial portion of your expenses. However, there’s good news for businesses looking to reduce their tax burden and stimulate growth – business tax credits. These credits provide financial incentives for companies to invest in various activities, from research and development to […]