Health savings accounts (HSAs) were created as a savings vehicle to help people pay out-of-pocket medical expenses. If qualified, you can establish an HSA in much the same way you establish a traditional savings account or an individual retirement account. You can open one with a lump-sum payment or through regular contributions, usually through paycheck […]
A Checklist for Plan Sponsors
Once a retirement savings plan has been approved and is in place, it’s tempting to sit back and adopt an “I’m done,” hands-off attitude. However, to ensure that a plan will continue to operate effectively, employers should periodically review plan provisions and features. Here are some points to check. How the plan is presented. The more […]
Your Plan Account Statement Can Reveal Valuable Information
It’s smart to make a point of reviewing your retirement plan account statement in detail at least once a year. You’ll want to ensure that the information in your statement is accurate and assess whether you should make any changes in your contribution level or investments going forward. Ensure Personal Details Are Correct To start […]
How to Keep Employees Contributing to the Plan
For many employers, especially smaller ones, introducing a retirement plan is a big undertaking. Despite the numerous administrative and regulatory requirements that an employer retirement plan entails, many employers remain committed to their retirement plans because they want to help their employees begin the journey to retirement readiness. Unfortunately, plan participants can sometimes feel squeezed […]